Bethel A.M.E. Church, New Bedford
The Church ministers to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people.
The Young People’s Division (YPD) under the supervision of the Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) is the youth organization of the church. Young people are trained to be active participants in the church and given opportunities for leadership experience in society through education, communication, and mission work.

The Young People’s & Children’s Division (YPD) serves and provides opportunities in the ages 2 through 26 years old throughout the A.M.E. Church
Black Girl Magic Event is to celebrate beauty, power and resilience of girls.
Mentoring Programs, YPD 5K runs, Activism - Souls to the Polls to Vote
Youth of the Year recognized for their outstanding leadership, service, academic excellence, and education to health and well-being
Youth & Young Adult Bible Study at Church School
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Sandra Whitley
532 County Street, New Bedford MA 02740
508-997-2410 or 617-312-0957
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday by appointment; Sundays 11:00a to 1:00p